Praying for our prisons

With so many men and women in our prisons wanting to be free from the life of crime in which they feel trapped, there are enormous opportunities for the gospel. And, of course, there are many pastoral needs, too, not only amongst those serving a prison sentence but also within their families.

May we encourage you to pray for our prisons?

Those who wish to pray daily through the month may like to follow the monthly plan below and perhaps also pray specifically for one or two prisons.


July 2024

Week 1 - for those in prison
448 1st

for the men and women who will be released over the next few weeks, especially those without a family to support them, that they will get suitable accommodation and support from agencies.

449 2nd

for the protection and safe resettlement of those being released this month. Pray that those who wish to attend a church will settle in one that is welcoming and supportive.

450 3rd

for those who feel no remorse for the hurt and pain they have caused. Pray that they would begin to recognise the impact of their crimes upon their victims and upon their own families – and will choose to turn away from crime.

451 4th

for the elderly, the frail and those vulnerable to self-harming and attempting suicide, that they will receive the appropriate level of support and care and be kept safe.

452 5th

for those who have recently lost contact with, or custody of, their children. Pray that they might receive emotional support and turn to God for comfort.

453 6th

for those who have been rejected by their family or have cut themselves off from their family, that they might receive emotional support. Pray for the Lord’s help to those who are longing to restore their relationships.

454 7th

for those who spend extended periods in segregation because they are a threat to others. Pray for healing of the causes of their aggressive and threatening behaviour. Pray that, in their isolation, they might cry out to the Lord.

Week 2 - for those who work in prison
455 8th

for all officers who have been victims of a serious assault recently. Pray for their healing.

456 9th

for Governors, as they manage their establishments to  provide as full a programme of classes, groups and activities as it is safe and secure to do.

457 10th

for new officers who have only started duties on the landings this month, that they will be alert to the risks they face and will be kept safe.

458 11th

for chaplains, that they will seek the help of the Holy Spirit as they prepare and deliver teaching. Pray that they will be bold in teaching God’s Word faithfully.

459 12th

ahead of Father’s Day on Sunday, for the children of men in prison, that they will have good male role models in their lives, in the absence of their own father.

460 13th

for chaplains and volunteers who are leading Bible study groups; pray that the men and women will be responsive to God’s Word.

461 14th

for chaplains, other staff and volunteers who provide bereavement support; pray for the men and women they will counsel this month.

Week 3 - for families and communities
462 15th

ahead of Father’s Day tomorrow, for fathers who have a son or daughter in prison and possibly feeling partly responsible. Pray for strong supportive relationships.

463 16th

being Father’s Day, pray for fathers in prison, who are grieving over failing their family and not being able to provide for them. 

464 17th

for churches, youth workers and agencies working with children and young people who are offending or at risk of offending.

465 18th

for agencies working to protect children and young people from alcohol and drug abuse.

466 19th

for probation staff, community chaplains and all who support men and women on release from prison. Pray that the vulnerable will get the help they need to prevent them from reoffending.

467 20th

for partners, grandparents and others caring for children in the absence of parents in prison.

468 21st

for children with a parent in prison that, wherever possible and appropriate, they will be able to maintain contact with their parent. Pray for the protection of those children who are at risk of turning to crime themselves.

Week 4 - for those in prison
469 22nd

for the men and women who have contacted BeaconLight this month, that the Lord will speak to them through the gospel literature they have been sent.

470 23rd

that Christian literature will get into the hands of unbelievers and that the Lord will use it to draw many to faith in Christ.

471 24th

for Christians, struggling with their faith since going to prison, that the Lord will strengthen their faith and sustain them.

472 25th

for those who are suffering from mental illness, that they will receive the care and treatment they need.

473 26th

for the men and women who are fearful about the future, that they might turn to Christ and find hope, both for this life and for eternity.

474 27th

for backslidden believers, that there will be those who will affirm afresh their commitment to Jesus and restore fellowship with Him.

475 28th

for backslidden believers, that there will be those who will affirm afresh their commitment to Jesus and restore fellowship with Him.

Week 5 - for victims of crime
476 29th

for victims who cannot forgive, that they would be enabled to put aside their anger and their bitterness and move on with their life.

477 30th

for the many recent victims of knife crime, for their families and especially for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Pray that many will turn to the Lord for His comfort and strength.