"... I have many people in this city ..."

Many Christians are afraid to speak about Jesus.

In some parts of the world, the authorities will not permit it; even meeting as believers risks arrest. Elsewhere, the exclusive claims of Christ are unacceptable in the community.

Even in tolerant societies, it does not take much to stop Christians advertising Christ. A rebuff from a friend is enough for many, as the fear of losing friendships forces us to eliminate Jesus from our conversation.

The Apostle Paul was afraid too! He was so shaken by the hostile responses in Corinth that the Lord needed to personally intervene in a vision.

Jesus told Paul, "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city." (Acts 18:9-10).

There were already some people in the church but the others had yet to be saved. The Lord already knew them. How would they be saved? Only by hearing the gospel message. That is why the Lord promised to protect Paul so that he could boldly announce the gospel.

With that encouraging command, Paul stayed in the city for another 18 months, and the Lord saved those who responded to the gospel message.

Were all these new believers mature or wise? No! The two letters we have to the church in Corinth tackles the full spectrum of pastoral issues from immaturity to immorality - because as people were saved, they brought their cultural habits with them.

However, they now knew they belonged to the Lord and He would complete what He had started in them. Part of that work came as they listened to the apostles' teaching and were discipled by the church leaders - who also needed Paul's written teaching to stir them into action.

The content of gospel proclamation and discipleship has not changed in 2,000 years.  BeaconLight's books and online teaching are designed to equip and encourage the front-line gospel workers.  Indeed, without these brave people, most of our resources would not get an airing.

Many of them live surrounded by religious or state hostility which is expressed through town or village leaders, their own employers and family. Fear is a natural reaction, but when the Lord calls people to His service, He also provides for them to fulfil their commission.

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.  Pray for prison chaplains in the UK.  Pray for our little team in the UK.

Pray that we, and our front-line partners, will not be afraid of anything or anyone. May we continue to announce Jesus boldly, because He has many people where we live, who need to hear the gospel and be saved.