Praying for our prisons

With so many men and women in our prisons wanting to be free from the life of crime in which they feel trapped, there are enormous opportunities for the gospel. And, of course, there are many pastoral needs, too, not only amongst those serving a prison sentence but also within their families.

May we encourage you to pray for our prisons?

Those who wish to pray daily through the month may like to follow the monthly plan below and perhaps also pray specifically for one or two prisons.


December 2024

Week 1 - for those in prison
448 1st

for those in prison on licence recall, that they would overcome any sense of shame and failure, and work towards re-establishing a positive life for themselves in the community.

449 2nd

for those desperate to be free from drug and alcohol addictions, that they will receive appropriate support both in prison and on release, especially through ‘rehabs’.

450 3rd

for those who have been rejected by their family or have cut themselves off from their family, that they might receive emotional support.  Pray for the Lord’s help to those who are longing to restore their relationships.

451 4th

for those who spend extended periods in segregation because they are a threat to others. Pray for healing of the causes of their aggressive and threatening behaviour.  Pray that, in their isolation, they might cry out to the Lord.

452 5th

for those who are desperately lonely, without any contact from outside and feeling isolated within the prison. Pray that chaplains, officers and other inmates would make time for them.

453 6th

for those in custody for the first time and frightened, that staff will show compassion and help them to feel safe.

454 7th

for those who have recently lost contact with, or custody of, their children. Pray that they might receive emotional support and turn to God for comfort.

Week 2 - for those who work in prison
455 8th

for new officers who have only started duties on the landings this month, that they will be alert to the risks they face and will be kept safe.

456 9th

for chaplains and volunteers who are leading Bible study groups; pray that the men and women will be responsive to God’s Word.

457 10th

for Governors, as they manage their establishments to  provide as full a programme of classes, groups and activities as it is safe and secure to do.

458 11th

for the Lord’s help to volunteers engaged in letter writing, that their letters will bring comfort and encouragement to the men and women who receive them.

459 12th

for operational support grade staff (OSGs). Give thanks for their willingness to serve in a crucial support capacity. Pray for those who are Christians, that God will be glorified through their work in the prison.

460 13th

for security staff, as they work to make their prison more secure, especially by preventing drugs and other illegal substances and items getting into the prison.

461 14th

for those preparing messages for chapel services, that the Holy Spirit will give them the words to speak; pray that the gospel will be proclaimed boldly.

Week 3 - for families and communities
462 15th

for partners, grandparents and others caring for children in the absence of parents in prison.

463 16th

for ‘rehabs’ (and especially for the Christian ministries), that, through their programmes, many men and women will overcome their addiction and that many will also commit to follow Christ.

464 17th

for children with a parent in prison that, wherever possible and appropriate, they will be able to maintain contact with their parent. Pray for the protection of those children who are at risk of turning to crime themselves.

465 18th

for children taken into care as a result of one or both parents being in prison, that they will be healed from the emotional damage of losing their parents.

466 19th

for the protection of children whose lives have been dominated by the criminal activity of one or both parents. Pray that they will be kept free from crime themselves.

467 20th

for the Christian chaplains for whom Christmas is always an especially busy time. Pray that the Lord will sustain them and they will be encouraged in their ministry.

468 21st

for men and women for whom this is their first Christmas in prison and are struggling to cope, that others will encourage and support them.

Week 4 - for those in prison
469 22nd

for prisoners’ families saddened by the absence of loved ones. Pray especially for partners, children and parents.

470 23rd

for victims of crime and their families, particularly for those who have been badly injured, and for those who have lost loved ones, as a result of violent crime this year.

471 24th

for all prison staff, that they will enjoy time celebrating at home with family and friends. Give thanks to God for all who serve in our prisons.

472 25th

that peace will prevail throughout all prisons, as the birth of the Prince of Peace is celebrated today.

473 26th

that many men and women  will recognise that Jesus truly was born to save them from their sins and will find salvation in Him.

474 27th

for all prison staff as they support and care for the men and women for whom this is a particularly painful season. 

475 28th

during this post-Christmas and New Year period there will be an even higher risk of self-harm. Pray that the vulnerable will be kept safe and staff will be especially alert to their needs.

Week 5 - for victims of crime
476 29th

for families (and communities) grieving the loss of a young person through knife crime. Pray for church leaders as they provide support.

477 30th

for those feeling the shame of a crime committed by a family member and consider themselves victims (and perhaps ostracised in their community); pray that they will find support from Christians and be enabled to forgive their family member.

478 31st

for victims whose lives have been seriously impacted by injuries and trauma; pray for their healing and that they will be enabled to live fulfilled lives.