About Us

Who we are

  • BeaconLight is a non-denominational Christian training organisation based in the UK.
  • We started in 1995, running face-to-face training courses.
  • These courses have had participants from over 400 churches.
  • BeaconLight is a member of the Evangelical Alliance and Global Connections.
  • The BeaconLight Council includes: Rev Dr Paul Adams (chair), Mr Peter Bisset, Rev Alan Black, Rev Clive Calver, Rev Roger Carswell, Dr Rick Creighton, Mr Mark Jones, Dr Nigel Paget, Mr John Phillips, Mr David Rivett, Mr Richard Snow, Mr Evan Winter and Sir Peter Woodhead.
  • The BeaconLight directors are: Dr Paul Adams, Dr Rick Creighton, Mr Mark Jones, Dr Nigel Paget and Mr John Phillips.
  • BeaconLight is grateful to ChristChurch Banstead for the use of offices and facilities.
  • BeaconLight is a Charitable Company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales.
    Company Number: 3063706
    Charity Number: 1047046

What we do

  • We aim to equip Christians world-wide with practically-applied Biblical gospel ministry tools.
  • Our books focus on the power of the gospel to change lives (www.beaconlight.co.uk/books).
  • CrossCheck enables Christians to explain their faith and lead others to Jesus (www.crosscheck.org.uk).
  • Online tools equip Christians to minister to others (www.beaconlight.co.uk).
  • Word@Work is our unique verse-by-verse applied devotional commentary of the whole New Testament (www.wordatwork.org.uk).

What we believe

What BeaconLight offers

Is there a catch?

  • No catches.
  • BeaconLight believes that Christian ministry should be free of charge.
  • BeaconLight's ministry is funded by donations from those who want to support the ministry.
  • If you would like to donate, and are able to do so, please support us.

BeaconLight gives you Biblical resources to share

  • All the material on this site is free. You can access it without needing to register.
  • You are free to share it with others provided you do not make any charge.
  • For example: please use Word@Work to equip yourself, and others, but please acknowledge the author and organisation: ©Dr Paul Adams – Word@Work from BeaconLight.
  • If you wish to share Word@Work or any other BeaconLight material and receive payment, please contact us for terms and permission.

We rely on your gifts to fund the growing demand for unique BeaconLight ministries worldwide

  • Even though most of our team are volunteers, our costs are considerable in developing online tools, making our ministry known to new audiences, producing, translating and distributing books worldwide - especially to prisons and other restricted communities which are unable to make any donation. If you are able to support us, your gift or regular donation will make all the difference to many people worldwide. Click here to donate online.

Contact Us

  • Mailing Address:
    150 High Street, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2NZ
  • Registered Company Address:
    150 High Street, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2NZ
  • Telephone
    01737 357103
  • email: